SASHI is a not-for-profit organization that exists to promote the Home Inspection Industry in South Africa.
SASHI maintains that where regulation is determined to be advisable for the protection of public health, safety or welfare, any laws regulating Home Inspection should include Standards of Practice and a Code of Ethics, and should require proven experience, continuing education and demonstrated knowledge through passage of a psychometrically valid examination.
Since SASHI is of the opinion that a need for regulation is present in any Country in the World, we are dedicated to working with legislators to enact regulation that will clearly protect the interests of consumers and qualified Home Inspectors. In America, for instance, the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) has successfully worked with state legislators and regulators to draft, pass and implement legislation and it continues to make its resources available to those states considering the regulation of Home Inspection as one means of protecting the home buying public.
We believe that the SASHI Model Legislation provides the best starting point for national legislative uniformity and consumer protection in those Countries where it is not prevalent. The Model reflects standards that have worked well in the market place in the USA. SASHI encourages municipal and government legislators to adopt the SASHI framework as a template for drafting new laws regulating Home Inspectors and Home Inspection practices.
SASHI Members are independent professional Home Inspectors who have met the most rigorous technical and experience requirements in effect today. To become a SASHI Member, an inspector must pass written tests, including the SASHI endorsed Home Inspectors Examination, and have performed a minimum of 10 professional fee-paid inspections conducted in accordance with the SASHI Standards of Practice. Members are also required to follow the Society’s Code of Ethics, and to keep current with the latest in building technology, materials and professional skills.
SASHI Members ascribe to a professional Code of Ethics that prohibits them from engaging in activities that may compromise their objectivity. Even the appearance of conflicts of interest is strictly prohibited. A Member will not accept anything of value from those who are involved in the sale of a property other than the fee for services, and SASHI Members may not use an inspection to solicit repair work related to the inspected property. SASHI’s Code of Ethics is a consumer’s best assurance that the Home Inspector is working in the best interest of the consumer. In the majority of transactions, the Home Inspector is the only professional participant whose sole allegiance is to the buyer.
SASHI encourages inspectors to stay current with industry developments by means of attending technical seminars and workshops in cooperation with its Members across the South Africa. SASHI also serves the public interest by being prepared to provide accurate and helpful consumer information where possible. If requested, SASHI will provide information to any government about the Society, its Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, the Home Inspection profession and practice, and answers questions relating to consumer protection. SASHI is particularly interested in responding to requests for information and assistance from local authorities (or the government) considering Home Inspection regulation as part of the second hand home buying process. SASHI resources such as model legislation, statistics and its official position statements are shared freely.
SASHI strives to become the national voice of the second hand Home Inspection profession. It is SASHI’s policy to act affirmatively to influence any legislation or regulation intended to affect the profession, consumer interests, publicly financed homeownership programs or other programs allied to the profession.